The general process of acquiring our service is as follows:
1- Contact us. The best way to reach us is through email or text.
2- Please send an email with the minimum following information:
- Project name and address.
- Client name and address.
- Brief description of the service requested, and scope.
- Latest set of structural drawings, shop drawings, and any other relevant details.
- Site contact information.
- Name of Quality Assurance firm/Testing Agency/Lab for the project.
- Date of latest inspection by the Testing Agency, or proposed date of inspection.
3- A proposal will be sent to you. if you agree to the terms, the proposal must be signed, and sent back at least 48 hours prior to scheduled date of service.
4- The Texas PT Inspector will provide the service requested.
5- The field report, and invoice will be sent to you.
Pleasure doing business with you!